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Children’s Health and Wellbeing Navigation

Find out how to access support from the Children’s Health and Wellbeing Navigation.

The Children’s Health and Well-being Navigators support is available across Mid Kent Primary Care Network. The role is designed to help improve the care and support offered to children, young people and their families, particularly those with neurodevelopmental disorders both pre and post diagnosis.

Our Navigators spend time talking to you about your situation, identify any worries and find out what matters most to you and your family. They work in a flexible way with most of their communication with families being done via the telephone or email to be able to fit around the family’s needs.

The service is not time-limited, recognising the long-term needs of families. The service is action-focused and seeks to provide guidance, enablement and motivation for children/young people and their families to support themselves. Our navigators do not complete direct invention work but instead build a support network around young people and their family with their main focus being empowering families to take control of their own journey.

Their role includes:

  • Social prescribing
  • Care coordination
  • Support and information for children/young people and their family.
  • Empowering families to navigate their child’s or young person’s care.
  • They will act as the central point of contact for these patients and a link for supporting services.

They work with Children aged 0-18 and up to 24 for those with SEND and can take referrals for a wide range of needs.

Some of which we have listed below:

  • Support with finding community/social groups and signposting to online resources and support.
  • Liaising with schools, Health visitors, NELFT and other professionals.
  • Referrals to CYPMHs, School Health, counselling, NELFT etc. As well as, referrals for children with behavioural difficulties, SEND, hygiene concerns, ADHD & ASC pathway for diagnosis.
  • Support with paperwork, chase referrals, medication reviews, etc.
  • Any child with physical, SEND, long term or complex needs.
  • A child or family that requires multiple agency care for care coordination.

Your child needs to be registered at one of the surgeries listed below to access this support:

  • Faversham Medical Practice
  • Newton Road Surgery
  • Hollington Surgery
  • Kingsnorth Medical Practice
  • Sellindge Surgery
  • Sydenham House Medical Centre
  • Wye Surgery
  • New Hayesbank Surgery

We are not a crisis service. Anyone experiencing an urgent mental health crisis can call 111 and select the option for mental health when prompted to speak to a specially-trained mental health practitioner. If you think there is a risk to your life, or the life of someone else, please do not call 111. Dial 999 instead.

Once you have submitted a referral to the team it will be triaged at our weekly Triage meeting. One of the team will then be in touch to offer an appointment to offer support within 2 weeks.

Please download a Word copy of the referral form and email this to