Patient survey admin

Report on New Hayesbank Surgery Patient Survey..

June 2024

Q: Generally, how easy is it to get through to someone at your GP practice on the phone?

Total responses: 0
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Q: How helpful do you find the receptionists at your GP practice?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Which of the following general practice online services have you used in the past 12 months?

Total responses: 0
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Q: How easy is it to use your GP practice’s website to look for information or access services?

Total responses: 0
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Q: As far as you are aware, what general practice appointment times are available to you?

Total responses: 0
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Q: How satisfied are you with the general practice appointment times that are available to you?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Is there a particular GP you usually prefer to see or speak to?

Total responses: 0
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Q: How often do you see or speak to your preferred GP when you would like to?

Total responses: 0
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Q: When did you last try to make a general practice appointment, with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional, either for yourself or for someone else?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Before you tried to get this appointment, did you do any of the following?

Total responses: 0
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Q: When would you have liked this appointment to be?

Total responses: 0
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Q: How did you try to book the appointment?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Were you asked for any information about your reasons for making the appointment?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Who asked you for information about your reasons for making an appointment?

Total responses: 0
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Q: On this occasion, were you offered any of the following choices of appointment?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Were you satisfied with the appointment (or appointments) you were offered?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Why did you not get an appointment?

Total responses: 0
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Q: What did you do when you did not get an appointment?

Total responses: 0
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Q: What type of appointment did you get?

Total responses: 0
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Q: How long after initially trying to book the appointment did the appointment take place?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Overall, how would you describe your experience of making an appointment?

Total responses: 0
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Q: When was your last general practice appointment?

Total responses: 0
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Q: What type of appointment was your last general practice appointment?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Were you given a time for the appointment?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Did your appointment happen at the time, or during the slot, you were given?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Who was your last general practice appointment with?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Giving you enough time:

Total responses: 0
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Q: Listening to you:

Total responses: 0
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Q: Treating you with care and concern:

Total responses: 0
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Q: During your last general practice appointment, did you feel that the healthcare professional recognised and/or understood any mental health needs that you might have had?

Total responses: 0
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Q: During your last general practice appointment, were you involved as much as you wanted to be in decisions about your care and treatment?

Total responses: 0
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Q: During your last general practice appointment, did you have confidence and trust in the healthcare professional you saw or spoke to?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Thinking about the reason for your last general practice appointment, were your needs met?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP practice?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Have you, at any time in the last 12 months, avoided making a general practice appointment for any reason?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Have you experienced any of the following over the last 12 months?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Do you have any long-term physical or mental health conditions, disabilities or illnesses?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Which, if any, of the following long-term conditions do you have?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Would you describe yourself as having "long COVID", that is, you are still experiencing symptoms more than 12 weeks after you first had COVID-19, that are not explained by something else?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Do any of these conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry out your day-to-day activities?

Total responses: 0
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Q: How confident are you that you can manage any issues arising from your condition (or conditions)?

Total responses: 0
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Q: In the last 12 months, have you had enough support from local services or organisations to help you to manage your condition (or conditions)?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Have you had a conversation with a healthcare professional from your GP practice to discuss what is important to you when managing your condition(s)?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Have you agreed a plan with a healthcare professional from your GP practice to manage your condition(s)?

Total responses: 0
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Q: How helpful have you found this plan in managing your condition(s)?

Total responses: 0
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Q: In the past 12 months, have you contacted an NHS service when you wanted to see a GP but your GP practice was closed?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Considering all of the services you contacted, which of the following happened on that occasion?

Total responses: 0
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Q: How do you feel about how quickly you received care or advice on that occasion?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Overall, how would you describe your last experience of NHS services when you wanted to see a GP but your GP practice was closed?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Which of the following best describes you?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Is your gender identity the same as the sex you were registered at birth?

Total responses: 0
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Q: What is your ethnic group?

Total responses: 0
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Q: How old are you?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Which of these best describes what you are doing at present?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Do you look after, or give any help or support to, family members, friends, neighbours or others because of either long-term physical or mental ill health / disability, or problems related to old age?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Are you a parent of or a legal guardian for any children aged under 16 living in your home?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Are you a deaf person who uses sign language?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Which of the following best describes your smoking habits?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself?

Total responses: 0
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Q: Which, if any, of the following best describes your religion?

Total responses: 0
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